英文短篇文章 中翻英 - 健康

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-06-05T00:00

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就稍微翻譯一下,不用照中文的隔式番 意思一樣就好   蠻急的
Update 2:
Sunday is Dragon Boat Festival, the steamed rice dumpling wants the health to eat, the check may not be able to be few, the nutritionist reminds, the stuffing material is richer the greasy steamed rice dumpling, the quantity of heat is higher, even if small small,
Update 3:
the quantity of heat may achieve about 600 cards, therefore and so on adult meal calorific requirements, patients and so on diabetes, hyperlipemia as well as renopathy, want to pay attention to the three manys and one insufficiency, also are the few oils,
Update 4:
the few salts, the few sugars with the multi-textile fiber principle, in addition, the steamed rice dumpling boils more for a long time, the glutinous rice more sticks, is easier to let the blood sugar elevate, saccharorrhea sickness needs to pay attention.
這是我用英文翻譯機 翻譯出來的 可式文法還有一些地方有點怪怪的 
Tags: 健康

All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-06-06T09:21
This Sunday is Dragon Boat Festival.
In order to eat Zongzi (steamed rice dumpling) in a healthy way there are quite a few note need to be considered.
Nutritionist reminds that a Zongzi with more ingredients and oil, the higher calories it has.
Even a small Zongzi, it could has calories as high as 600 and it is equivalent the calories required by an adult in one meal.
Diabetes, hyperlipemia as well as kidney patients mush take note of “three less and one more” principles and they are: less oil, less salt, less sugar and more fibre.
,此外,粽子煮得越久,糯米越糊,就越容易讓血糖升高, In addition the longer the Zongzi being cooked, the glutinous rice will become stickier and will easily causes rising of blood sugar.
Diabetes patient need to be extra-careful on this matter.


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-06-04T00:00
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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-06-04T00:00
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Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-06-03T00:00
如題如何讓自己一早起床能快速讓腦袋清醒的方法?想請教各位有經驗或好方法的大大們因為我要參加英文的檢定�� ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-06-03T00:00
以前都帶老大去婆婆介紹的牙科看牙齒但那是屬老舊式的治療沒有照X光只有看那有需補起來就補所以一些都已蛀�� ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-06-03T00:00
我的寶貝未滿3歲但我每天都有用軟毛刷幫他刷牙可是老是覺得還不夠想買兒童牙膏幫他刷牙又怕他不會漱口或把�� ...